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How I fell in love with German language

It didn’t happen overnight. I didn’t like the language from the beginning but it grew on me. It’s a good feeling when you understand when a native German speaker talks. The more I learned the more I liked it. Now I'm at the point where I think I can say how the language works.

To love or to hate, when you have to do something no matter what you might as well try to enjoy it. That is the case for me in learning German. I’m not a fan of learning new languages. I  find memorizing words and pronunciations hard. But I do like the reward. I always think about a day when I can speak German fluently and understand it easily and frankly I can’t wait for that day to come. I’m impatient and when I start something I want it to end as soon as possible. The problem is you can’t keep words and the structure ofsentence in your head as you can put biology and chemistry. It’s not understandable and that makes it hard for me. It’s totally based on how much you practice. In conclusion, despite all my weaknesses in languages I recently started to enjoy German and feel a connection with German so much that even if I have the opportunity to pursue my dreams in English or my mother tongue I would still choose German.

A path between trees
A path between trees© Mehrsan

I think I started to enjoy German more when I started to be one of the best students in my German course. I mean that’s always motivating when you’re in competition with someone in class to be the number one student. 

Another reason that I started to love German is when I watch my roommates speak German with each other. When I understand what they say I get super excited and it motivates me to learn more to understand all they say and to talk to them in German with confidence.

A narrow alley in a German city, old buildings are left and right.
A narrow alley in a German city, old buildings are left and right.© Mehrsan

And the more I learn the more familiar it becomes and I’m getting used to it and I hate when I can’t find the words I’m looking for. I also want to do my best in my upcoming German exam. That is all I can think about because that’s my only way to go to the next level in my life, I’m tired of being stuck in the period of my life where I’m learning German and That’s all I have to do.

Seeing people and other international students who can speak fluently motivates me to learn more and think one day I might speak like them.

The other day I met someone who spoke German so well that I could never guess that he was not German and it really gave me hope that one day I might get there because I thought It wasn’t possible for someone who is not born here to speak German almost like a native German speaker.

I hope one day I’ll be able to write a blog about how my German becomes Perfect and how I get my C2 certificate.

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I need Ms physical chemistry professor

written by Najmus Saqib created on

Hi, to get started, take a look at the My GUIDE page 👉 https://www.myguide.de/en/ - there you will find a lot of information on various subjects that you can study in Germany. If you have general questions, you will most likely find an answer in our guideline on 👉 www.study-in-germany.de/en/plan-your-studies/steps/. Are you interested in doing a doctorate/doing research in Germany? We have put together several helpful links for you. To get started, please find more information on the following website 👉 www.research-in-germany.org/en.html. For general information about doing a doctorate in Germany, funding opportunities and more, please have a look at the PhD section on 👉 http://www.research-in-germany.org/en. Please find comprehensive information about doing a doctorate/Ph.D. in Germany on our homepage at 👉 http://www.daad.de/deutschland/promotion/en/. If you have any further questions, you can contact us by email using our contact form 👉 https://www.study-in-germany.de/en/get-in-touch/contact/. Best wishes, Your Study in Germany-Team 👋🇩🇪

written by Redaktion created on

i want to Admation in Gearman cours For larn Gear man languch

written by Amirullah shinwari created on

Dear Amirullah, a selection of German language courses in Germany can be found in the DAAD database (https://www2.daad.de/deutschland/studienangebote/sommerkurse/en/). Also the international office at your chosen higher education institution can also help you choose a German course. All the best, Your Study in Germany-Team

written by Redaktion created on

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