At my university, our degree program in Environmental Science requires an internship of at least six weeks, which later comes with an internship report and a video of the internship. Mandatory internships usually don’t come with any reimbursement. If you’re interested in doing a voluntary internship or any other work as a student, you should check the maximum number of working days allowed per year.

Looking for an internship?

Finding an internship as a student can be a daunting task, as it requires perseverance and dedication. It involves researching various companies, preparing your resume and cover letter, applying for positions, and going through the interview process. However, you can increase your chances of finding the perfect opportunity by utilizing resources such as a platform to shape your career, just like a career coach, online job portals like Xing, LinkedIn, and different company websites, and networking events or job fairs. Remember to tailor your applications to fit each company’s specific requirements and be open to exploring other industries. With determination and hard work, you can secure a valuable internship that enhances your skills and helps you build a strong foundation for your future career.

Finding an Internship as a student is like getting a head or tail when you flip a coin!

What I did ?

It’s important to note that „Hiwi“ or ‚Research assistant‘ and „Intern“ are two distinct words with different functions. As an environmental sciences student in my fifth semester, I searched for an internship to fulfill my mandatory research and internship module. Throughout my internship search, I took several steps :

Firstly, I ensured that my CV was current and included all the most recent and relevant information and skills I had acquired.

Next, I relied on my professional networks, who specialize in preparing effective curriculum vitae, to review and update my CV for feedback.

I also contacted some of my professors and Ph.D. students working on various environmental sciences and ecotoxicology projects for suggestions or internship opportunities.

I worked with the chief sustainability officer of Green Office landau.
I worked with the chief sustainability officer of Green Office landau.© Sifat

Green Office in Landau

I am extremely fortunate to have landed a coveted internship at the Green Office of my university’s Landau campus. The Green Office is a vital platform that focuses exclusively on sustainability and sustainable development of the university campus. Their scope of work includes research, teaching, and transfer of knowledge and practices.

Green Office is situated at the end of a park with a bus stop at Theodor-Heuss-Platz; I enjoyed my early morning commute to the office, where I got to encounter different birds and their sounds! That must be a beautiful sight to see!

During my internship, I was entrusted with a diverse range of responsibilities. I was required to use various online tools and portals to complete my daily tasks, which included collaborating with other interns from the RPTU Kaiserslautern campus’s Green Office, conducting independent research and reporting to the chief sustainability officer of Green Office, assisting with the development of new sustainable practices through online workshops and events held in landau city every two years. Although I was juggling my coursework as well, I completed my internship in a time frame of six weeks.

My time at the Green Office was amazing. I got to meet some really cool people who care about sustainability just as much as I do.

More about Sifat


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